A distinctive range of luxury leather goods, British handmade quality at its very best.
Designed and made by Pittards, our leather gloves, bags and accessories are created on a foundation of our leather making history. Whether it’s a luxe handbag from the England Collection or a pair of rugged 1826 gardening gloves they have one thing in common, Pittards high quality leather.
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Made in the UK
Pittards was founded in Yeovil, Somerset in 1826. Today we still craft leather, together with a range of premium leather goods and accessories in the town.
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Hand Crafted
Pittards leather goods and gloves are cut using traditional clicking knives, then individually stitched by skilled craftspeople. We make our products to last.
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Quality Leathers
Pittards was founded on specialist leather-making skills and supplies its performance leathers to major brands around the world, they are at the heart of everything we do.